
Psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, are serious mental illnesses. People who develop these illnesses do much better if they are treated in specialist centres as quickly as possible. However,  GPs often find it difficult to pick up the early symptoms of a psychotic disorder because many of the symptoms are common and can occur in other mental illnesses such as depression. We have developed a way to help GPs detect the early warning signs of psychosis, called P Risk. P Risk uses information which is stored in electronic medical records, such as previous GP appointments for mental health conditions like depression and anxiety and problems sleeping, along with other information on things like age, sex and ethnicity, to make a risk prediction. 

We know that P Risk works well in theory, but we do not yet know if it will work in real-life. To find this out we would like to interview GPs, mental health staff, patients and carers to ask their views and opinions of P Risk

If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to take part in a focus group, together with other people who have been identified in the same way. The focus group will run for about an hour and will happen on a virtual meeting platform, such as Teams or Zoom. 

Carers will receive a £25 shopping voucher to thank you for their time.

For further information about taking part, please read the Carers information sheet

If you would like to hear more, or are interested in taking part please fill in the Expression of Interest (EoI) form and email it to Daniela Strelchuk at If you have difficulties filling in the form electronically, please email Daniela your name, sex, age and ethnicity, and we will take it that you have expressed an interest in taking part.